Increasing max allowed characters in Subject Line to use dynamic content there also

Feature I’m looking for:
Increasing the max allowed characters in the subject line

Problem this feature will solve:
With the actual 120 character maximum I’m not able to use my tags for german and english speaking customers to also have a matching subject line. So my german-tagged customers will receive an english subject, if I’m writing in english or vice versa.

I already tried using dynamic content in the subject - it works, but its soooo extremely limited, what you can write.
{% if ‘de’ in subscriber.tags %} Dein Newsletter {% elif ‘en’ in subscriber.tags %} Your Newsletter {% endif %}

I only have 9 characters left for the name and the topic for this newsletter.

How I will use this feature for my business:
In order to be able to address my users personally and in their language in the subject line


Hey Sonja!

Thanks for providing this feedback! I’ve shared this feedback with the team, and we’re actively tracking interest in this feature. This thread will remain open so that other members of the community can add their input.


Thanks Sonja - I run into this problem from time to time as well and your suggestion is a good one. We shouldn’t count dynamic markup against your subject limit. In the meantime, there are a few tricks to shorten your markup. This may help you get more content into the subject line!

Based on your example, this saves you a good number of characters:

{%if 'de' in subscriber.tags%}Dein{%else%}Your{%endif%} Newsletter

I hope this helps a little, for now.