Using Tags To Make SMART Lists

Feature I’m looking for

So, I have created a new list and it contains various segments. How did I made segment was to use tag to make list segments.

Problem this feature will solve:

Now the feature I’ve been thinking to ask is to allows aweber user to add multiple list segment while sending an email.

Currently, I can only send it to one list segment.

How I will use this feature for my business:

This feature will help my business to stay flexible with customer segments.

Hi Sushant,

Thanks for providing this feedback! I’ve shared this feedback with the team, and we’re actively tracking interest in this feature. This thread will remain open so that other members of the community can add their input.

In the meantime, you can always bulk tag the subscribers in multiple segments and create a new segment using that tag to add all those subscribers to a new segment. You can then send to this newly saved segment when scheduling a broadcast.

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Hey Justin_R, thank you for taking interest in it.