Segmenting Customers by Lists or Tags

Howdy! Thanks in advance for advice you can give!
I have a small event business and we have two headline events throughout the year. We have so far had people subscribe to a list associated with that event. As we grow, we are starting to think about cross marketing to these lists and it has me thinking I should just have one company list and then segment with tags. I’m curious everyone’s thoughts on how I should approach. I like the cleanliness of the lists, however I’d also like for customers to be able to choose to receive info about all our events, or just the specific ones they have attended. Thanks all!

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Your intuition is right here David. Using segments and tags is definitely the recommended best practice these days. Tags give you a ton of flexibility letting you kick off campaign automations, send broadcasts easily to segmented groups, and even use conditional content to customize individual messages based on users different tags.

The only scenario these days where I would recommend separate lists is if the different events use a different sending email domain.

Hope this helps!


That’s really helpful! Thank you so much Tom!