One list to rule them all!

It’s vital to make sure you are keeping your list clean and full of engaged subscribers. If you are someone that regularly manages their list by removing your unsubscribes and inactive subscribers from your lists. Good job! You’re probably seeing higher engagement. For those that aren’t engaging in proper list maintenance - it’s time to start. We’ve got some options and directions to get started.

One option is to completely merge your lists: While there are specific business cases that might make managing multiple lists a better option, most folks can manage multiple campaigns on one list …by using tags. This is also great because you don’t have to navigate duplicate subscribers across lists. If you have been using multiple lists but would rather use tags, read on.

To properly merge one list into another, you need to first decide which list you want to serve as your ‘destination’ list. Once you have made your choice, you can start moving the others.

Click the list dropdown and choose the list you want to merge into your destination list. This will take you to the ‘subscribers’ page of that list.

From there, you’ll click on Currently Subscribed.

Make sure you click on Currently Subscribed. You do not want to move over unsubscribed addresses, as this will add them as a new subscriber to the destination list. That would not be good.

Now scroll down to the bottom of the page and click on ‘Export’. This will export a CSV file of the subscribers in your list.

You’ll need to repeat this step for each list you’d like to merge, so double check the current list name each time.

After you have your lists exported and ready to move, select the destination list from the dropdown. You’ll be on the ‘subscribers’ page.

From there, you’ll go under Subscribers>Add Subscribers.

Then choose the 'Import Multiple’ tool to add the subscribers.

Upload each exported file one at a time. As you import your files, use the Tag tool to designate where each subscriber came from.

You’ll repeat for each file you need to upload and voila! Your lists have been merged and subscribers deduplicated.

You might be thinking, “Well, what do I do with my old lists now that I just moved these subscribers?”

You can deactivate these lists if you no longer plan to use them. They will fall off your account after 30 days.

Just go under Lists>Manage Lists, and you’ll see the option to deactivate your lists. Important, historical subscriber engagement stats/data will not copy over in the merge, and will be lost and unrecoverable if you deactivate your list.

Have questions about List Merging? Let us know!


These are helpful tips, Amanda! Merging lists can really help to consolidate things, especially when sending similar content to subscribers on those lists. I find it helpful to have all my messages, landing pages, and automations set up on one list. This Knowledge Base article provides some really helpful information on how to manage your lists with tags and segmentation, instead of lists.

If you have duplicate subscribers across the lists you’re merging, it can be helpful to select the option to update existing subscriber information when importing your lists to ensure that subscribers on more than one list can receive additional tags when being re-imported:


The title of this topic is :woman_cook: :kiss:


Excellent post! One of the biggest quality of life improvements with merging lists is having one spot for all of your message opens/clicks to be tracked for more accurate list cleanup based on engagement.

Some might not realize that if you are regularly sending Broadcasts and including multiple lists, and one subscriber is on several of the included lists, only one of their subscriptions on one of the lists will count the opens + clicks, and it’s not always the same list that gets those events from message to message. By using one list with tags to segment your audience, this will keep all opens and clicks by a subscriber in one place and you will prevent any blind spots when searching for people who haven’t opened anything in X months.


Great post! One list to rule them all unlocks the power of segmentation. Another great post around tags.

Segmentation! Segmentation! Segmentations!


Another thing to remember: If you are deleting lists and you have landing pages attached to the list (published or unpublished) - make sure you duplicate them to the list you are keeping. Otherwise you might lose your designs!


That’s a great point, Dave! Same goes for sign up forms; you’ll want to make sure you set those up in the list you’re keeping so you can keep your list growing from there.