I just recently added a subscriber (with permission) to my email list and the status is pending. What does that mean?
Hey Susan! If you added a subscriber and they are showing as pending, this means they were sent a confirmation message and would need to confirm their subscription to your list. This can occur if the confirmation settings are turned on in your account, if the add url is not passed to AWeber (when using a sign up form), or if the subscriber has a role based email address. Once they click the link in the email they were sent, they would show as Subscribed instead of pending in your list.
You can modify your list settings under Confirmation Settings in your account if you want to disable confirmation. Having this on however can help prevent spam sign ups to your list.
Turning this off will not force confirm a subscriber that is showing as pending; they will still need to confirm their subscription since a confirmation message was sent at the time they signed up and it would off for new people signing up.
Let me know if you have any other questions!
Is there a way to remove the pending and reimport when it didn’t capture the names on import? I still have quite a few pending but don’t know who to chat with about it lol
Hey Lisa! You can use the Update on Import tool to add names for subscribers who may be missing them, but the subscribers would need to confirm their subscription first. If a subscriber is in pending status, they would fall off the list after 30 days if they don’t confirm. They also would not count towards your list size while pending.
Thanks! I figured that I would just need to let them pop off and resend the import. Is there a way to see what that message is? The one asking to verify subscription?
Hey Lisa, you can see the confirmation message under List Options>List Settings and it will be under the Confirmation Message tab. You can also edit the subject line and text in the message on that page as well.
question What does Subscriber fields want?
Hey Marlene! What do you mean by Subscriber fields? Where specifically are you seeing that so I can best guide you?