Import subscribers

Hi can you tell me how long need wait to see my importer subscribers in my list as already importer 4 file but until now i cannot see in my list someone can help me to understand why ?
thank you


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Hey Andrea.

I see so does the comment say ‘reviewing the data’ or something similar?

the comment is “PENDING REVIEW”

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That’s sometime I have seen too. So, here’s something that might help:

Case 1: As expected, it takes one day to review the contact list by the aweber team
Case 2: Sometimes, it takes more time, and then you have to chat with them.
Case 3: Sometimes, it takes a lot of time, then you have to discuss how you collected the contacts and how the list building strategy works for you.
Case 4: It’s rejected: Keep a call with team and find a solution.

As said, I have faced the same situation, but I am not GURU here (pun).

Hope it helps.

Thank you for your info i wait tomorrow and if i dint see my subscribes on the list i open a thicket to to the team
all my email are get from my Facebook advertising all are legitimate

Hi Andrea,

Any import may be subject to manual review. You will be notified via email as soon as we have updates. You can also visit the import history page to check on the status.

Most reviews are done within 1 business day.

If there isn’t enough information regarding how you gathered your list included in the import submission, the import may be rejected requesting more information. If that’s case, please resubmit the import and include as much context as possible regarding how you gathered your list on the last step of the import process when it asks how you gathered your list. The more detail you can provide in your explanation, the better. To provide more context, you can choose the “Other” option and provide as much information as possible in the textbox that we provide.

It is worthwhile to include information about how long you have collected these subscribers, how often you have sent to them, any events where these subscribers joined your list, any advertisements used to drive your subscriber acquisition, and details about verbal agreements to subscribe to your list.

If you have any additional questions, please let us know.

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HI Justin
Thanks for clarification but i add 4 file of subscriber i collect from my landing page and my Facebook advertising and i just check today morning and i see they was reject and i was shock as i add the information when i import where this email come from so now i re import so if reject again i will be very disappointed! as i have urgent need send email to this new list
please let me know

Hi Andrea,

I see that you resubmitted your imports with more context, and your imports have been approved! You should see your subscribers added to your list now.