Let’s Chat: One piece of advice every email marketer should know

The one piece of advice I think everyone should know is that quality matters way more than quantity when it comes to your email list! From running an email list for my photography business and organizing an anime convention, I’ve learned how important it is to connect with the people who actually engage with your content, not just anyone on your list.

A lot of my photography clients keep coming back because they stay engaged with what I share. For the convention side, the people who stayed engaged with the content were also the ones who attended the event in the end and were open to giving us feedback.

It’s super important to regularly clean up your list so you can keep that momentum going. When you do remove inactive subscribers, your list size might change a bit. Just always keep in mind that the people who are leaving aren’t engaging with you anyway. Focus on those who are still around—they’re the ones who truly value what you bring to the table. Keep your eyes on them :clap:t3:!

What’s a piece of advice you wish every email marketer knew? Share with us below!