Unable to change email in the FROM section

1 -Unable to change email in FROM SECTION
2-Unable to delete that same email in the DOMAIN/ADDRESSES

Hello, Looking for an angel to help me !!

I am having a heck of a time setting up my Aweber. I am on a free trial and will upgrade as soon as I reach 200 subs.

Issue # I - I am unable to change the email ( gmail ) in the FROM section. There is no option to add an email, and the drop down menu does not allow me to change for another another email. The drop down only shows my other gmail accounts.

Issue #2 - The same email ( a gmail ) from above, is on the domain/addresses and is flagged as a prohibited domain. It is not allowing me to delete it because it’s listed as the email on my LIST - as described in my Issue# 1.

The correct email I want to use is verified and is also on the DOMAIN/ADDRESSES. I already emailed customer service over 24 hours ago. Please help.

Thank you.

Hi Elena!

If you aren’t seeing an option to add an email address on the List Settings page, can you try logging in with another browser to see if this is happening on one browser? It should always give you an option to add a new email address on this page. This could be a browser issue, like an expired cookie, something cached, or even an autofill that is blocking the option.

Once you are able to add in the new email address on your List Settings page, you can delete an unused email address on the Domains and Addresses page. You can only delete an address on the Domains and Addresses page if it’s not currently listed as a sending address for your list.

If it’s still not showing an option to add a new email address, please reach out to our Customer Solutions Team directly and we’ll be happy to help out.

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